Research paper
There are so many different types of photography and a lot of career paths in the field. I really enjoy so many different types of photography like lifestyle,Sports,Action,Portrait and more but, the one that sticks out to me the most is Appropriation photography. I like appropriation photography because the subject that you are using is already in your hands, you just have to make it your own. Appropriation is the use of using a pre-existing objects or images with little or no transformation applied to them. You don’t see to many photographers using appropriation but a famous artist that does it is Andy Warhol & Pablo Picasso.
The employment opportunities for this type of photography is not much. You are more self employed with this type of artwork. You can make money helping out a artist do appropriation work. Throughout the year it is important to pick up jobs through companies to get your name exposed more and to support your projects you want to work on. You can even pick up on photography jobs like food,wedding,commercial photo shoots to support your living as a appropriation photographer.
Additional training for this work is needed. Knowledge of well known art pieces is a must. Also knowing the history of art is a good when making art piece using appropriation. Although you can go into the profession with no knowledge and still come out successful. It’s easier if you have the knowledge of course. The Photographer I interviewed is John Messinger. He was introduced to photography at the age of nine years old. John and his grandmother built a darkroom in his basement. He went to a arts oriented high school he wanted to pursue photography even further. After high school john attended Boston university to study photojournalism then got his masters at the school of Visual Arts.
To get started in this career you have to look for jobs that are going to support your ideas and artwork. Getting your name out in the art world is very important and crucial if you want to become successful in this field. Always keep yourself busy with photo work. John Messinger worked several non-related photography jobs to afford his pursuit of photography. He also did photography related work like family portraits, weddings, and shot photos for the newspaper part time.
Work days revolve around a studio. John says, “As a photographer that is self employed, you don’t need to work every day but you should push yourself to get in the studio and create something.” “I find that having a regimented schedule around my work to be helpful.” Other photographers works days could be answering emails from clients, Meetings, researching new content. Printing and developing photographs throughout the day and planning work out for the next couple of weeks or months. Most self employed photographers have the same repeated days all week.
One of the hardest things to come up with as a photographer is pricing and how much you should charge clients for work. A way you can price your work is in you include these 5 factors, the quality of your work, perceived value, confidence, competitors, cost of goods. Photographers don't always feel comfortable talk about how much they make a year because they all make a different amount of money.
Networking is important to photographers. Getting to know people that are successful in the field can make you a successful photographer. Networking is great if you need access to certain things places that you need to get into. Although when I interviewed john he said he does not feel entirely comfortable networking but, having a great body of work and a little networking can make you successful.
At the end of the interview with John Messinger I asked what kind of advice would you give a young photographer trying to make it? John replied, “Just don't stop. The people who will be photographers 15-20 years from now is not always because they were the best image makers, or the most clever, or knew something that others didn't. In most cases, the folks who are still making work 15 to 20 years from now are simply the folks who never stopped, who never took no for an answer.”
From writing this paper I discovered that as a photographer there are struggles. In order to get what you want you need to work hard for it and push limits. Also networking could be used a great tool to get in contact with certain people or to get access places. If you become really successful you could make a lot of money from this career. Its also Important to find jobs and contact companies to do work for them. But, Being a photographer is what I want to do. I’m going to go as hard as I can until I get where I want to be in the art world. Even when I get to that spot where I’m comfortable I will still be trying to get to a better place then where I’m at.