Austin Prendergast
Jim Lennons Studio
Iv'e never been in a official photo studio before. When i walked in i was super impressed the way it was set up. The atmosphere felt like it was a really fun place to take photographic images.There was top of the line camera gear everywhere. Jim showed us around at first and then brought us to the entrance and talked to us for a while. We all talked about how important it was to always have clients. In his position he was only comfortable if he was making $1,800 a day for three days a week. He told us that if you could build a good relationship with a client, they could give you work for life. i always have the mind set with not being comfortable with everything. i always try to push myself as hard as i could go and even then i feel that something can be different and better. Hearing him go over everything to make a living being a photographer kind of stressed me out and it was making me think everything over but I'm confident in this field and i want to pursue it. What ever it is i need to do to become successful in this field i will try and try and won't give up. Jim told us when ever he goes into a job he never ever worries about anything shooting wise because he has so much experience and knows how to shoot a great photograph. Showing the client that you can do the job and showing them no fear is a great way for your client not to worry about the work that your doing.
Going into the studio i thought to myself that i was going to learn about the high end gear and how things work but he taught us a better lesson then that. Showing us how to keep good contact with clients and how to stay on top of work to have jobs. The experience was great and i learned a lot about the business which is a great things to know for the future.